Spooky, once considered by the Peconic Puffin to be an embarrasment to both dog and man (though a cute little thing you could put in your purse...YOUR purse, not mine) has managed to grow and mature to the point where even Steve says "he's a good little dog." The Puffin will accept this, as the going must have been hard for Steve, and we don't want an argument with Avery!
Spooky does not eat dog food. Here is a partial list of the things Spooky eats and drinks, according to Cindy, Jordan, and Avery:
Cat food
Chicken broth
Chinese food
Coffee (with milk and sugar)
Eggs (scrambled)
Spooky no longer wants Easter candy.
nigel is to parrots as spooky is to dogs. these make up nigel's diet: sausage, pizza, mangoes, pistachios, houseplants, and any person who asks if he wants a cracker
Posted by: will | April 13, 2007 at 09:40 AM
A parrot that eats pizza! The world is a wonderous place.
Posted by: Peconic Puffin (Michael) | April 13, 2007 at 09:51 AM
don't forget Sally's famous pasta...that's his favorite!
Posted by: Sally | April 15, 2007 at 03:17 PM
AWWWW! And I thought the puffins were cute.
Posted by: bonnie | April 16, 2007 at 10:10 PM