> Aruba February 07



An Eagle Ray. It looks similar to the blue ray that Michael thought he saw.



Andy likes a little freestyle now and then. He saw the blue ray, but supports Dana and says it probably wasn't real.



How beautiful is the Kona Style? Everything old is new again...longboards are back, and with style. The blue and white pattern on the sides is reminiscent of the blue ray.

Una on the nose

Una on the nose

Nobody had a better view of the blue ray than Una.

Una under a chair

Una under a chair

Una says "I'm not as good a windsurfer as my mom. Yet." Her favorite instructor was Mac.

If she saw the blue ray, she's not talking.

(awesome photo by Karin)



Dana. Dana says NO WAY was the blue ray real.

Happy Michael

Happy Michael

Michael is always happy to help his wife rig and sail. He saw the blue ray and believes it was real. He wants to believe in the blue ray.

Sally prepares to shred

Sally prepares to shred

Sally doesn't care about the blue ray. She wants to be "screamin' in the footstraps." She declared the trip particularly successful, because at a party she was mistaken for a friend's 17 year old daughter.



Moombas was popular with much of the crew. Here a group of Peconic Puffins relax after a bottle of "almost proper" wine selected by Massimo.

Greg and Massimo

Greg and Massimo

Greg and Mass. Greg did not see the blue ray, but he was flirting with the dark side during the trip. Could it have affected his vision?



The artist at rest, Karin did not see the blue ray. Had she, we'd probably have a great photo of it.



Mass does not care about the blue ray. He cares about the wind, and had expected more.



This cat is named Batman. A decade earlier, Sally named him and his buddies "the cheese cats" because whenever we'd wine and snack outside our casita, they would appear and express interest in eating our cheese.

Batman still likes cheese. Also iguanas, and sleeping outside our casita. (It takes a lot for me to like a cat. Batman makes the grade.) Batman is with Massimo when it comes to the blue ray.